The Pemi

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is one of my favorite spots to stop and photograph the Pemigewassett River in Franconia Notch SP, NH. The overcast flat light on this particular day was perfect for capturing all the details in this scene. This view is from a small bridge as it crosses over the river so you have to be aware of anyone crossing the bridge and causing vibrations while you are shooting.

Specific Feedback

All C&C appreciated. I am sitting on the fence with the shadow areas. One time I look at it and they look fine and the next I think I might have brought them up a little too much. What do you think?

Technical Details

Nikon Z7, Nikon 24-200 @ 24mm, f 11 @ 1/15 sec, Kase magnetic CPL, cable release & tripod, two image stack just to make sure everything was sharp.

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Ahhh…the Pemi. I miss it even though I’m in the bottom of the Wisconsin river valley and we have that and its tributaries. I had a friend that lived in Campton/Plymouth and we’d go to the Pemi all the time. Once I even put my foot through some ice on it. Yikes. Anyway…I think the shadows look ok here. Do you set a black point specifically or just eyeball it? I wouldn’t raise them more though. You could do a square crop if you felt like it. The bottom of the water isn’t as interesting as the top and the banks/trees.

This is beautiful Ed. I really like the splash of the little bright green tree in the center top. Nice smooth flowing water sets off nicely with crisply detailed rocks. I think the shadow areas look fine, but I would have to see them darker to see if I preferred them that way.

Ed, this looks great. You’ve got a good mix of blur and texture in the water and strong eye pull into the distance. The shadows look good to me, with subtle details showing as well as some full blacks.