This is real beautiful, Ben. Great atmosphere and the high key processing works wonderfully. Very well framed. Two thoughts:
- I would look at taking a small slice off the left side to eliminate that one thin tree trunk. For some reason I find it distracting.
- The overall image has a greenish cast, they may have be intentional but I think I would prefer if the mist in the center was more neutral in color.
Nice image Ben, the tunnel of trees is very eye catching, and is very effective in leading your eye to the misty background. I agree with @Dave_Dillemuth, the green color cast is very strong here (perhaps created by the light filtered through the leaves). While the trees may have some moss on them, but the green cast here is much too strong. I would recommend neutralizing that cast, while retaining the warmth in the mist. I also think the highlights are too bright in the lower right corner, and they draw your attention away from the mist at the end of the road. So I would burn that area down. I also think the mist at the end of the road could be dodged slightly to place even more emphasis on it. Directionally, I would do something like this.
I like the greenish cast in the trees, but would maybe remove it from the red leaves so they would contrast with the greens (try selective color). The comp draws me in quite nicely.
I do too.
Your images so far have been processed to have a dominant color cast for the entire image. I feel that this is a very effective way of making a statement about the subject even though it may not reflect reality completely. In this image you have a dual color cast, a dominant and subordinate. It works quite well as all green here would likely not have worked as well. Great job for thinking outside the box.
Yes, the tunnel view is wonderful. The small tree leaning out to the left is a bit of an eye grabber but only after you become aware of it. So perhaps Iām obsessing with it.
Nicely done with the tunnel effect and the foggy mood Ben. I think reducing the sharpening just a little would add to the mood even more.
Thank you all . These comments are so helpful to me.