The lines and the tone. very important to me with the photography I try to create.
Type of Critique Requested
Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.
Specific Feedback and Self-Critique
Tone and the lines. Nature provides so much detail and beauty.
Gill, I love the swirls, shapes and lines in this image. I have never tried shooting at just the end of one of these shells. I will have to remember than should I find one of these again. Similar to "Nature and It’s Lines image, there seems to be a bit of noise. Probably the ISO was a bit high but you didn’t include the settings, so not sure. Under exposing can cause this problem when the exposure is brought up in post processing. Hopefully you can get some of the noise out, or even reshoot it with a different lighting situation. I am enjoying your style and looking forward to more of your images. Also, don’t forget to try your hand at critiquing other photographers images if you haven’t already. I know that it has helped me to grow in my photography.
A very interesting subject and viewpoint. Seashells are truly wonderful! You have good light here but I think there is an alternate crop that might be considered, and wonder if you did, and if so why you came to this one? The alternative, for me, would be to crop the bit of detail from the left – because it is distracting to be just barely cut off, and because of the tonal flatness in the highlight. There is a hint of that flatness a couple of other places, presumably to burn down highlights, but there are ways available today that are more subtle.
The tight crop on the right could be intentional, but for me it pulls my eye away from the very interesting center of the spiral. The smaller detail touching the frame at the bottom is less noticeable but I think it’s worth considering leaving room for a contemplative subject such as this to rest easily in the frame. Subject to differing taste, though, of course.
Thanks for showing interest. Yes I left the noise High ISO. Grainy photography can be interesting in someways. I look at b and w photography a lot. Concert photography carry lots of noise and soft exposure. Any enjoying Edward Weston style , I tried to get this old non perfect look. The Shell was a photo I did looking for Tone. I shoot lots of shell looking for lines and Tone. By the way I shot the mushroom using Nikon 3200. Limited ISO settings and other features. I now have Nikon 7500. Way better camera. So my photography will improve.
Thanks for showing interest and suggestions. Photography and Music is the goal. Never perfect but honest.
Peace to everyone
Okay, I understand, Gill. I too came from a B&W background where I worked in the lab. I am not familiar with Edward Weston’s style, so I need to look that up. I think you mentioned that in your previous image and I intended then to see what I could find on him. I am not familiar with the Nikon camera system, but I am glad you have got an even better camera than your previous one. Have fun with it. To me, that is what it is all about, getting out seeing what I can find, try different things and just enjoy.