The spell (+1 re-work)

With some additional blur and well, I tried to re-create the other things I did, but it might not be exact -

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I haven’t been out shooting as much as I usually do in fall, but yesterday I went down to a segment of the Ice Age Trail I haven’t been on before. Just when I got off the connecting forest road, I spooked this Barred owl off the ground into a tree. Couldn’t get the long lens on fast enough and it flew out of sight.

But, the IAT is an out and back trail if you only do segments, so I knew I’d be back in its neighborhood later. As I approached the area, I scanned the trees and bingo - a silhouette! This time I managed to get the 100-400 on, although I could almost have done this with the 35-100 that was on the camera. Either it was too sleepy to move or was bored enough with my presence that it just sat and posed for me. I cautiously approached and took many photos, but this framing in the Hemlock boughs is my favorite. Other than blinking and turning its head, it didn’t move and I walked right under it and got some shots from the other side, too.

A really special encounter and one I’m grateful for. What a patient bird.

Specific Feedback

This is slightly cropped to eliminate the heavy tree trunk to its right. Did a lot of masking to even out some luminosity, but keep the feeling of light and air. Does it work? Also…I used the Lens Blur Neural Filter in Ps with a 60% opacity brush to soften some of the branches. Good?

Technical Details



Lr for basic RAW processing then Topaz Sharpen. Ps for some distraction removal and the blurring I referred to above. Back in Lr for a little work to bring up those eyes and a crop. More distraction removal and some texture & clarity.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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Very nice and a great encounter, Kris. For some reason I haven’t found this species in the wild yet, though there are plenty of them around. I like the airy feel of the background and the bird still stands out nicely. There are a lot of fine needles in the background that are making it look almost noisy, particularly on the left, though some on the right as well. Lots of ways to handle that depending on how you like to process.

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I really like the way this owl pops out of the thick foliage Kris. It is amazing that you could spot this in this dense forested area. Nice look and pose from this wonderful bird.

Thanks @Dennis_Plank & @Ed_Williams - I am so grateful that I spotted it on my way to the car. Knowing it might be there and also what a silhouette looks like helped a great deal. Plus I was pretty calm and quiet when I did approach so I think that helped, too.

I’ve added a bit more blur in the spots that you mentioned, Dennis and I think it look pretty good. Thanks for spotting that. Let me know if it needs additional work.

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The extra bit of blur looks good, Kris.

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Hi Kris, great that you had this encounter and were able to capture a head on photo like this. I like the eye catchlight on the bird’s eye (our left). Really giving you the look. Repost looks good.

Thanks @Allen_Sparks - it was fantastic to spend time with this bird. Quite an honor and I’m glad I could do it justice in photos.

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Excellent capture of the owl. Stands out nicely from the background and detail is good and I like the look it is giving you.