The Stare

We were in the Black Hills of South Dakota last November and we drove a back road in Wind Cave National Park. This guy was standing by the side of the road just staring at us. I converted it to B&W with a high key background because there was not much color contrast.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any and all comments and critiques are welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 7D, 70-200 f4, 70 mm, 1/500 sec, f4, ISO 200

That is an intense stare and a magnificent specimen of a Buffalo. I like the B&W and high key presentation here. Well done.

Very well conceived - i do like the black and white treatment. Just wondeirng how this would look less tight ?

I happen to be a fan of black and white bison images. Normally with high key I try and aim for something with more contrast (darker tones offsetting against the lighter surroundings), but I think this works quite well because you have such soft textures throughout.