American Bison

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

This image was taken late morning with the sun already pretty high. My ability to relocate was limited, so I was pretty much “stuck” where I was. I chose to go with Black and White (then sepia) to give the image a more classic feel and as a way to “deal” with the harsh shadow. Curious on folks’ thoughts on my choice there.

Creative direction

I was certainly looking for a more classic american west feel for this image, that’s why I think the sepia works okay here.

Specific Feedback

Open to all feedback, but mostly regarding my choice to move on from a color image.

Technical Details

ISO 160 (it was set to auto)
1/1000 sec


Several Bison were roadside in the Tetons and this one stopped to look my way.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Great choice of edit and using sepia IMO. It would have been malpractice not to make this image with that beautiful animal and interesting side lighting. The way the light picks up the shaggy fur is fascinating and if you’ve edited the lighter fur to enhance that, well done you! I would normally suggest lifting the shadows on the face slightly, however both eyes are visible AND I like that the attention is on that light fur. I don’t find the wood rail at all distracting (didn’t even notice it immediately) but I am noticing the wires, although they’re not make or break for me. Lovely use of light on the body - would never know it was suboptimal!

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I love the subject matter/pose. Attractive lighting, and the sepia tone is a very nice choice. I would have the urge to remove all evidence of the fence, and distant dark background strip. I would also look at adding some space on the right and slightly lighting up its shadowed eye, and while I was at it, I would maybe clone out that loop of hair just to the right of its nose. You could select the subject in photoshop then reverse the selection to work on the background things if you chose to do these background modifications.

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Great subject and wnderful pose here, I may selectively boost the blacks to induce more depth in the image.
Some more canvas on RHS & Bottom may help the image.

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Thank you all for your feedback… I’ll give your ideas a shot. This is the type of specific feedback that will help me - so I really appreciate it

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Tony: I like your processing and would suggest two minor changes; 1, bring up the shadows on the face just a bit and 2, add some canvas at the bottom so that the bison’s feet don’t appear to be cut off.

Tony, I like this a lot. Great pose.
Personally, I’d get rid of the wire fencing and wood cross-bar. Very easy to do with a little Gen fill from photoshop.
I agree with Richard’s suggestions re bringing up the shadows a touch, and leaving more room at the bottom

I used your suggestions and really like where I landed in the end. Thank you all.