This image was made just before descending after a steep slog up into our local Community Forest. It’s part of an ongoing project to photograph this local treasure.
Specific Feedback Requested
Looking for feedback on composition, and what this image makes you feel, think or want to do.
First off welcome to NPN Mark! The lush green foliage is flat out gorgeous and I particularly like those three leaning trees and the way the trail winds its way through them. My only suggestion would be to crop or clone out the bright sky along the center top edge of the frame as it does catch my eye a bit. This does have a nice springtime vibe to it with those lovely greens of the surrounding forest. Good luck with your project. Looking forward to your participation on NPN.
Mark, welcome to NPN. I’m a bit slow responding, but this looks like a lovely place to walk through the forest. The greens are especially lovely. I agree with Ed, either cropping or burning-in the parts where the sky peeks through would be a nice, subtle improvement. PS. I’m a huge fan of local photography, where there are lots of important details to explore.
Thanks for the input! I’m with you on local photography. I meet a lot of photographers who think if they can’t go to Yellowstone (or wherever), then they can do photography. It’s a shame, because there are so many opportunities s short walk or drive away.