This was on a stormy day at the beach, canon powershot s100. I used the pocketcamera to protect my nikon for all that wet and sand blowing

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I used the pocketcamera to protect my nikon for all that wet and sand blowing

That perfectly summarizes my mantra: The “right” camera is the one you have with you. (And are willing to risk). Lots of adverse circumstances into which I won’t take my mainline cameras. But any camera that will survive the conditions well is the best camera.

I like this a lot. Even if the original is a jpeg I’d be tempted to play with the whites and black in ACR using the Camera RAW filter in Photoshop. There’s detail in there that might pop. Curves would work too, but ACR would be good for a first glance to see if you wanted to pursue other methods for detail. I’m speaking specifically of what looks like blowing sand in the foreground. More detail there would amplify the conditions.

You’ll have to accept this on faith, but here’s what I’m talking about as seen on a 13" laptop screen:

Thank you for your comment, Hank, I think that for this image made in raw my personal feeling is important in post processing.But it’s good to see that you have another feeling about it. It’s also the charme of post processing.