Time Carved Horizon

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Another shot from Bouddi National Park.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

15 mm at ISO 100 and 1⁄1000sec at ƒ/8


Don, what is a beautiful comp from a fantastic location. This is the very definition of “leading lines”. I like your placement of the highest land elevation within the frame and the amount of the frame you’ve dedicated to the water. I also like the way the red/orange, white and blue play off each other. The image is tack sharp front to back and the clouds are gorgeous and well-exposed. My only nit would be that I’d like to see a touch more uniformity in the blue portion of the sky and I know that can be challenging with wide angle lenses and polarizers. Kudos!

I recognize your previous picture in this one. I find this one to be more engaging. I like how things unfold from the center both in the sky and the rocks. It’s like a blooming flower in a way.

My thoughts on this beautiful scene pretty much mirror those of @Ron_Meeker. I get the feeling that someone is looking back at me with those two shadow areas in that higher rock formation. :grinning: Beautifully done!

Thanks Ron appreciate your feedback, I get what you are saying about the sky, will look into balancing the saturation better.

Thanks Igor!

Thanks Ed!