Don, what is a beautiful comp from a fantastic location. This is the very definition of “leading lines”. I like your placement of the highest land elevation within the frame and the amount of the frame you’ve dedicated to the water. I also like the way the red/orange, white and blue play off each other. The image is tack sharp front to back and the clouds are gorgeous and well-exposed. My only nit would be that I’d like to see a touch more uniformity in the blue portion of the sky and I know that can be challenging with wide angle lenses and polarizers. Kudos!
I recognize your previous picture in this one. I find this one to be more engaging. I like how things unfold from the center both in the sky and the rocks. It’s like a blooming flower in a way.
My thoughts on this beautiful scene pretty much mirror those of @Ron_Meeker. I get the feeling that someone is looking back at me with those two shadow areas in that higher rock formation. Beautifully done!