Together In The Forest

Specific Feedback Requested

All comments are welcome.

Technical Details

1/200sec f/6.3 ISO 100


Hi Andre –

This is a great subject! Is it maybe seaweed in sand, or something similar? Regardless of the subject, I think this makes a great abstract. I have two points of feedback. First, I want to see a bit more detail in the light sections. This could be the small size of the photo here or it could be the processing. If it is the processing, you could consider bringing a bit of detail back to the bright sections if it is there in the subject.

Second, I wish the lower left had just a bit less empty space. I like that there is a transition in terms of the density of the subject, from heavier at the top to lighter at the bottom, but I think the lower corner feels a tiny bit empty. These two points are minor in the scheme of things since, overall, I think this is a great abstract. And I like that little hint of the red plant to add a bit of visual diversity. Really nice!

Thank you for sharing this photo for my guest critique.

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for your critique.
Yes, it’s nature reclaiming a concrete support slab from an old jetty.
The patterns are from sea moss and sand after a wave passes over them.
Thanks again.

What an engaging image. It really does look like a miniature forest when seen small. I love the wavy patterns flowing vertically. I also love that purple piece just off center. In a perfect world, I’d love to have the LLC filled in a little bit but it really is a very minor nit and I think this is a very cool image.

Thanks for the feedback, David.