
Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

I am curious to see what you think this is a photo of, and the light. It’s an in camera B/W with very little post processing. I’m attempting to show that something common in a place not usually thought of as having something of artistic value can have it.

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

This is a frozen puddle of water in a gravel and dirt pull off area. The sun just peeked over the hills and provided bright light on the ice. I chose B/W because a color version was blah and without depth.

Technical Details

Canon 5DMKIV; 24/70 at 70; 9.0; 1/6400th; -3 exp.; 160 ISO; WB: daylight; in camera B/W.

Specific Feedback

What is your initial response? Is there any artistic value? Lighting (harsh spots) and composition (lower left area).


Photographs are everywhere. And you know it, Jim. I have no idea what it is, it seems like it’s a container with some mass on it which has partly been scraped off. To me now with this light and the black and white it looks like the inside of the spaceship in ALIENS. Very moody, no reference for scale, great contrast and depth. What’s not to like? Thanks for sharing.

Hello @Jim_Gavin, This image is very interesting! I immediately knew it was a shiny surface, but wasn’t clear of what exactly. A frozen puddle did come to mind! It was very nice seeing, and while I’d usually suggest photographing in color and then converting to black & white, this came out quite well!

@holgermischke @Susanna_Euston Thank you for your nice comments. @Susanna_Euston I usually do photograph in color and convert in processing. Not sure why otherwise here.


Very cool! I think perhaps quite literally? I see ice. The highlights are wonderful and the light source could be anything - and doesn’t matter.

I have two ways to go with this. One, the surrounding darkness isn’t really necessary, if the the images is about the light and all the shapes and textures. On the other hand, I kinda like how that surrounding darkness engulfs the scene and most certainly adding a sense of mystery.

Great eye spying this and for sure works wonderfully in b&w.


It looks like ice in a way, but with all the raised surface in places, it makes me wonder. Nice textures and tones though.

Very interesting image. It definitely has the feeling of frozen water in the middle, but the edges of the image don’t look that way. I think it works well in monochrome

It is a photo of a frozen puddle in the middle of a pull over area along side a road. Thanks all for commenting.

Brilliant lights and shadows Jim! I get a foreboding feeling from this one. Holger mentioned the inside of the spaceship in the Aliens movie. I can definitely see that. There is even a scary face in the upper left of the image. Great work and presentation! I’d be curious to see the values of the tonal ranges especially zones 0 and 1.

Ice being one of my absolute favorite subjects, that’s whatI immediately recognized and what caught my attention, scrolling through the list of the latest posts (I hope I’m not wrong now :see_no_evil:).

Looking closer didn’t diminish my interest, gorgeous highlights and the alien looking texture drawing me in. I like the leading curve starting in the LLC and the processing really makes the light shine. Seems to be perfectly exposed too (since you didn’t do much processing).

Although I think that the b&w look is great, I can’t help but wonder how it would look with some colour…?

I also absolutely think that you’ve succeeded in showing that art can be found also in unexpected places.

I quickly stopped thinking about what the subject was that you used to generate this artwork, and appreciated the interacting textures and forms. The subtle dark browns intrigue me, also. (Is my monitor introducing color to a monochrome image?) I think this image deserves to be part of a set of somewhat similar images, like LensWork’s Trilogies, or Seeing In Sixes; that would give the viewer a richer look into your intentions.
Now to read your comments and those of others …
I need to agree that the surrounding darkness conveys a mood that increases the impact of the image a lot.

I find this image pretty scary. Reminds me of one of those close scenes from an alien movie where you don’t yet know your looking at part of a alien monster. It also reminds me of the inside of a lava tube, although its shiney. Love the lighting and the texture. Well spotted.

Missed this earlier, Jim. I like it a lot. It looks like ice to me, but gives an almost crystal appearance.

Thank you all for your comments.