"Trabocco" in long exposure

I shot this scene last year, in the Adriatic coast in Abruzzo (Italy). This ancient fishing structures called “trabocchi” are famous in my region. I tried a log exposure to simplify the scene but i don’t know if composition and post processing works. Could B/W conversion work better?
Do you have any suggests regarding composition?
Thank you guys.

This is quite nice, Massimo. I think the long exposure works really well with the sky and the water. I would, however, clean up the water a little bit: the bit near the trabocco, the protruding rock near the far shoreline on the right, and the submerged rock on the LR area. I could see this in B&W as well and the choice is a matter preference at this point.

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Hi Massimo, I prefer the blue coloring. For me it helps with the feeling of the cold environment. Also, I like how the rocks on the lower portion of the photo draw my eyes to the trabocchi. NIce job.

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I actually like the color version Massimo. It obviously would work as a B&W shot as well however.

I like the composition very much. I have no issues with this.

There seems to be a good bit of pincushion distortion of the structure in the distance?..especially towards the end where the roofed structure is located…could this be possible?

Finally, I would consider burning down/cloning some of the brightest parts of the foreground rocks as the high contrast in this area somewhat overpowers the lower contrast and more gentle textures of the remaining parts of the image. Yet, I could see how some may consider this a favorable juxtaposition. I guess I find it a bit incongruous with the rest of the image.

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The color is austere, but I think that adds to the overall mood. My guess is I would like a BW less, even though this is close to one.

I think the comp is fine. I agree the end of the trabocchi appears to lean.

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Massimo, I love the stark mood of this image. I like the blue colors, they really accentuate that mood. I also like how you kept the edges of the image dark, but used the light in the sky to make the trabocchi stand out. I think this same strong use of tonality would work allow the image to work in B&W, but I think the blue colors add a lot of mood, so I prefer to see this in color.

Nice work, good composition and processing, well done.

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This is lovely, Massimo! I really think the cooler tones setup the somber mood you captured here. The long exposure works rather nicely and the processing works for me. I think a B&W would also work, but I suspect that I would prefer the color version. I only have one small suggestion; just my personal preference; would be to clone out the submerged rock along the shoreline and the one towards the LRC. Thanks for sharing this.

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Very interesting structure and a nice subject for LE. I like the blue tones in this too. I agree on maybe removing the smaller partly submerged rocks. I think a bit lower angle could also work to get a bit less mg. I wonder if its lens distortion we see or if this structure is so old that it leans a bit? The poles on the right seem straight, while they are about the same distance from the center of the image.

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Thanks to all for the suggests. Really appreciated.

I like the blue tones and abstract qualities Massimo. The light on the rocks and soft flow of the water gives your image an ethereal quality. The structure in the background adds to the mystery.

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