
Specific Feedback Requested

Do you see dry cupped shards of mud or wet, shiny mounds of muddy soil? Open to any feedback on how to make the image more appealing.

Technical Details


It is a beautiful image! I love the mud cracks. If it was me, I would crop it a bit but it still works.

At first glance, this looked like autumn leaves. Beautifully seen, composed and processed, David.

Hi David –

This is an example of a photo where a flip and rotation can make a huge difference. As you presented this, my initial reaction is that the right and left edges feel heavy, like the deep cracks are pulling in a lot of attention that distracts from the nice repetition of the tiles in the center of the frame. When I brought it into Photoshop and experimented with flipping, I thought the photo came to life with this orientation. Those lines that felt heavy in the previous orientation now feel like a big asset to the composition. The flow from top left to lower right feels very natural, with the progression of colors amplifying that flow nicely, too.

I might consider cleaning up a few little things along the bottom edge but otherwise, I think this works really nicely (and as personal preference, I might back off the contrast and saturation a tiny bit, as well). I love the textures, transition of the colors, and the appealing repetition throughout the frame. And since you asked, I see cups of dried mud.

Thank you for sharing this photo for my guest critique!