Tree Swallow

Nothing particularly special in the way of an image, but I just acquired a used Sony A6500 and am figuring it out. It seems to couple well with the Sigma 150-600 C through the Sigma MC11 adapter, but takes some getting used to and fiddling with the myriad settings. I do like the very quiet operation compared with the machine gun sound of the 7DII. We’ll see how it pans out in the long run.

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Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Sony A6500, Sigma 150-600 C @ 600 mm, tripod with ball head and Sidekick, f/8, 1/640, iso 2000, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Noise reduction in DxO Photolab. Cropped from a 24 MP horizontal to a 9.8 MP vertical. Taken yesterday under overcast skies.

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Cool shot! I dig the way its chest feathers fluff out on each side. Side note: I was down at our lake today and saw a bunch of these guys swarming around but I never got lucky to see one lit and available to shoot. Did you look to see what this would’ve looked like with a little off the top? I wish my camera was quiet. Better for close in critter work, huh.

Dennis, this is spot on: tack sharp, beautiful pose, beautiful perch, well composed, well processed. I don’t think it can be done any better.

Really like the feeling imparted on this image with respect to the light and the wonderful background. You got a good head turn, excellent detail and an interesting perch. I haven’t seen any swallows it all around my place as of yet. They will eventually make it up here.

A beauty!
Sharp, excellent pose, ruffled feathers, great BG, bright eye, and interesting perch. Perfect!

An excellent example, imo, of an “ideal” image, for the newer people. :clap: :clap: :clap:


I love these little birds. I’d say your new equipment is a success. Beautiful detail in the feathers. I like the pose and the perch. Really, I like it all!

A striking pose Dennis. Techs are perfect-especially the exposure.