Tufted Titmouse at Lunch

These birds move very quickly. The gray background is a wooded area about 500 feet from subject. I like the detail of feathers.

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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5ds-r with 100x400x1.4 lens, at f-8, 1/320sec. and iso 1600. Processed with photoshop ,lightroom and Topaz Noise reduction. Removed two small limbs .

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A very nice photo John. As you mentioned it is nice to see all the feather detail. Although a slight head turn would have been ideal we still get a very good look at the little bird. Nice one.

I like this one also. Good job on the plumage detail. I don’t have a problem with your head turn. I do find the red flower and green in the background tend to pull my eye away from the bird.

Good to catch him sitting still for a second! I don’t feel a need for the tree to be vertical but it feels like the bird is leaning a bit CCW. It looks like the capture was sharp but it feels like NR went a bit too far.

Beautiful feather detail, Wayne, and a nice pose and perch.

Thanks to all for your comments. I left the green at the bottom because all of the gray background is somewhat overpowering to me. The trees in the distant BG have lost all leaves. The addition of some holly branches adds color to the gray. I believe it might have been better to have had the holly more in focus but my focus was directly on the birds belly button for feather detail.