Like many, I am often more intrigued by a collection of lines and colors of a subject than of the subject itself. The reckoning comes later when you have to decide whether your ‘creation’ has any merit after the ‘moment’ or not. This was taken right by the side of the dirt road that takes you to Prudhoe Bay. It caught my eye going north and I thought ‘naw, there isn’t anything really here’. On the way back it again got my attention and I decided to get the camera out. But I still decided against posting until I saw Bonnie’s Veiled image. Then I thought, why not.
I find this composition very dynamic as to me there are implied triangles in the frame. For me the two triangles are inverted which creates a sense of tension. I think this image would wok well in a series alongside another image that is more minalmilistic.
I really like what you were going for here, but I feel there are too many empty dark patches especially on the left. JMHO. The interplay of the grasses with the flowers and the colors are great.
I appreciate these small slices of nature more than I used to. They are great places for the eye to roam and explore. To my eye, the thinner vegetation makes a v-shape; it might be worth playing with a crop removing just enough of the left side so that “v” is centered.
I like the dark area of water. It’s crucial in creating a shape within the scene, and imposing some type of structure on the image. In terms of the pattern, I think the red and orange plants make a nice statement. I think the yellow leaves blend into the scene, partly because they are so close in color to the thin yellow green stalks, which have a lot yellow in them. Maybe this is too warm for my taste, I think the greens in the image would benefit from being a cooler hue of green. Perhaps then you’d get the yellow leaves to come across stronger, and you get a bit more red/green contrast too.
I zoomed in and out quickly while viewing this on my phone and I like the subtle circular patterns produced by the collection of red leaves among the grass. It did pique my interest so you are image has merit and is most post-worthy…Jim
Exactly! It’s not the subject itself that is intrinsically interesting, it’s the feeling evoked by the lines, patterns, and colors. This has a feeling of abundance springing up from the darkness. It’s lovely.
That’s a slippery slope. But I think we should embrace the idea - put it out there to see what the reaction is. Although it’s sometimes difficult to decide whether one’s creation has enough merit at all.
I came back to this one a couple of times because I was not originally sold on those areas of water that was less densely populated with these lovely wildflowers. Doing that allowed me more time to study the whole image before I noticed the diagonal lines created by the pathways of water. Suddenly they did not bother me as they added another dynamic to the scene. I for one am glad you decided to post it.
Thank you for your comments and ideas. It’s encouraging. At times people may react to this type of composition as you would to a ‘pocket shot’ in a cell phone camera. The shutter is randomly released and whatever is displayed is then argued to be ‘inspired’. A comment you often hear about a Jackson Pollock. He just threw paint against a canvas and called it art. The above image can be construed that way, even by me.