I didn’t know that! These jonquils or daffodils actually belong to the genus narcissus, a member of the amaryllis family. From my back yard .
Sony a77II, Tamron 16-300mm @ 112mm, ISO 100, f/32, 2s on tripod using remote release, AWB. Increased fill light, luminance, and clarity in post. All comments and suggestions welcome, particularly common edits in post that are usually used. Thanks for viewing!
Wonderful capture Jim, I think the fill light helped a lot with the contrast and over all lighting. The edges are really sharp, my guest the clarity helped here. I might try darkening the background some only to see how that looks. However, I do like that there is some color in the background instead of all black so maybe not. Beautiful photo image, thanks for postiing.
Jim: Beautiful pair very nicely captured. The water drops are an especially nice bonus element. My only suggestion with regard to comp would be to rotate the lens slightly so that the blooms are not arranged almost perfectly horizontal. I’m not familiar with your lens but if it has a tripod collar rotating the lens about 10-15 degrees to place the flowers in opposite corners of the frame makes for a more dynamic arrangement. >=))>
Jim, this is a lovely look at this pair of daffodils. Your use of flash lets them stand out well as the background goes dark. The water drops are a great extra.
I just went back to the “thumb view” and was struck by the difference in brightness between this post and the others, so I’m back to suggest some overall brightening, especially the whites.
A wonderful up close look at these beauties, Jim. Looks like you have received some very nice help from Dean, Bill and Mark, so not much to add for a critique. I love that they had water drops on them. Very nice.
Repost Thanks to all who commented, especially @Mark_Seaver and @Bill_Fach for their suggestions. I reshot the flowers, boosting the exposure by 0.7ev. My lens doesn’t have a tripod collar but my tripod has a ball mount so it was easy to simply tilt it to get the desired effect, which, as Bill said, adds more “dynamics” to the photo. In retrospect, I could have just cut one of the stems to make it shorter too, lol!
Jim: This looks a lot better IMO. Nicely done. >=))>
PS: I edited your title to reflect the repost. It’s always a good idea to do so so that others will know to revisit the image.
Oh wow, what a difference, Jim. I really like this shot a lot. The whites are much brighter and more natural, and the tilt really makes the composition much more interesting. Great job.