The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Geranium buds from my greenhouse. I try to overwinter some favorite plants each year and reuse them come Spring.
Specific Feedback
All comments and suggestions are welcome and thanks for viewing.
Technical Details
Playing with a new macro lens; had lens stopped down to f/22 for best DOF, but I’ll probably try some focus stacking for my next project.
Fuji X-H2, ISO 500, f/22, 0.7s, -1EV, Laowa 65mm f/2.8, tripod and timer, lit by 1- 85W cool white bulb from behind camera.
Post processing included adjustments to exposure, some cropping to reduce black space, and sharpening.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Jim, the contrast between the green and the pink looks great. Both may be slightly oversaturated, but that may also be the artificial light. I have checked the sharpness of several lenses (graph paper taped firmly to a piece of cardbord (to inshure flatness) and usually find that f/22 is the first setting where I see a slight reduction in sharpness. Unless you’re planning to make very large prints, that slight loss won’t be noticeable. Focus stacking can give you the edge-to-edge sharpness, that a single lens can’t but it does have it’s own limits.
Very nice, JIm. I really like the looks of the buds and the focus fall off looks very smooth. It’s hard to tell what’s above the frame, but it feels to me as if that stem should curve over and down to the flower cluster and my mind would like to have it there if it was in your original. Of course there might be other stuff up there that made that not work.
This is very nice, Jim. I agree with @Dennis_Plank on wishing the stem from the top was included. It just feels cut off. When I first opened it up knowing the stem wasn’t there I tried to scroll up to see it. There may be good reasons you didn’t include it though as Dennis pointed out. The pinks and the greens are a nice contrast to each other and the BG makes the subject stand out.
Jim: I find it interesting regarding the comments about including the top of the stem. When I look at the thumbnail that is my initial reaction as well but when I opened up the large version the wonderful details in the buds carried the day for me. Marvelous color and as one who still appreciates single capture I think your decisions regarding comp and DOF are quite good. I would also be tempted to take the BG to pure black to make the colors pop even more. >=))>
Well done,Jim. The f/22 brought out the sharpness very well. I am ok not seeing the top where the curve was, but that would have been another story to the photo. The focus stacking is amazing, these days it is easier with the way cameras are. The darker background that @Bill_Fach suggested helped make the subject pop out more. Great photo.
Dean, I like this a lot. The 2 dust spots could go, though!
Nice detail and colour contrast.
To my mind, a little less stem and more at the top would balancthe image more.
I like Bill’s black BG