When the salmon are spawning at Valdez, the seagulls come from everywhere to feed on salmon that become stranded on the tide flats when the tide goes out. The thin layer of water on the muddy flats also becomes a nice mirror for interesting reflection photos.
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Technical Details
Sony a6300, SEL1670Z @ 22mm, ISO-250, f/8.0, 1/4000, hand held.
Gary, this image is breathtaking. What a thrill it must be to witness all this grandeur! On the other hand, I can only imagine the sound the seagulls make when they take off. In addition to the reflections, those clouds are fantastic. I truly cannot think of anything to say that would make this image any better. Congratulations on capturing such a beautiful scene.
I quite enjoyed exploring the larger version of this image, Gary. There’s so much going on. The birds create a wonderful pattern to break up the reflection a bit, and I really think the varied tones in both the mountain slopes and the clouds help add a nice mix of textures.
This is stunning and like @Max_Waugh, I love the larger version. The colors, sky, and lighting really make this image pop. I love that the seagulls are everywhere but in the bottom reflection. It makes them look like they’re pointing toward the mountains. Really enjoy this one!! I think it’s one of my favorites.