Vault Over the Veil

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


In this image I have attempted to capture the raw and resolute spirit of Bombo Quarry. The quarry’s distinctive basalt columns stand tall, their ancient joints and fractures hinting at countless stories etched by time. A wave crashes against the rock, its spray a fleeting veil against the enduring stone. Reflecting pools at the base of the columns offer a mirror to the quiet drama of the sky and rock, a testament to the quarry’s ability to stir a silent awe.

Bombo Quarry, near Kiama in New South Wales, Australia, is renowned for these geological formations, a heritage of a volcanic past approximately 260 million years ago. It’s a place where nature’s might and history converge, offering a stark beauty that is both timeless and transient.

Specific Feedback

Happy for all feedback.

Technical Details

18 mm at ISO 100 and 1⁄160sec at ƒ/10

Beautiful shot, Don. I think the way you’ve captured the wave crashing over the rocks is very nice, providing a bright contrast to the darker tones in the rest of the image. I like the composition as well and enjoyed studying the details in the large rock formations. The scene strikes me as calm and tranquil, except for the wave crashing in, which reminds the viewer of the more tumultuous ocean beyond.

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Thanks John appreciate your feedback! :grinning: