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Classic coastal scene catching incoming waves in between the rugged formations. Beautifully captured sky and clouds.
This has more to do with my own personal dis-favor of the tall, digital format. I think you could easily crop some of the blank sky up top which will help to keep the eye lower in the frame where I think you would intend.
I like the texture, colors and motion of the incoming wave, but I think the wider view is putting the viewer farther away and it’s hard to pick up. Of course with incoming tides and dangerous surf, it’s not always a good idea to get closer…
You also didn’t mention, but I’m wondering about the dynamic range. While not a big area in the frame, I’m wishing for some hint of detail in the rock on the right. And in general the contrast is high in all the rock. But again, given the time of day, direction of the sun, etc., there’s not much that can be done and trying to do anything often results in something that doesn’t look right anyway.
I do like the seaweed/kelp at the bottom of the frame along with the rounded rocks.
I love how the kelp turned out in the image. The luminosity of that kelp gives the entire picture life. I suppose this could be anywhere on the Pacific coast of North America but my guess is somewhere on the Monterey Peninsula, possibly Pt Lobos?
I, too, prefer wider verticals but this works pretty well for being so narrow. I would not crop the sky as a solution.
I really enjoy these sea channel shots, and you caught a great sky.
The irregular intrusion of the rocks at the bottom breaks up the composition a bit more than I would like. Two thoughts would be to include more rock, so the kelp was isolated from the edge, or to move up to the solid kelp area and use it for the bottom border.
Ah! Bombo Quarry is so beautiful & you’ve captured it really well here with a nice shutter speed/composition
Regarding feedback, I’d have to agree with what @Lon_Overacker is saying re the cropping of the sky & dynamic range - the only other thing I’d say is maybe adding a gradient in the bottom right & left to slightly darken the bottom of the frame helping draw the light up & through the channel