Vineyard Springtime

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Oh, I like this, especially the surprising little skiffs of white flowers. Aside from doing a little edge patrol, I have no nits on this. I really like it.

Exquisite sense of pattern in this image, Richard. The eye follows all the lines and imagines them going on for ever !

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another winner! i love the way the lines weave through the diagonal in an informal way :))) this perspective is unusual and abstract in composition and catches the eye immediately.
excellent series!

I like the lines of the vines up the hillside, Richard and the forms of the vines themselves are really cool. the two lines of white flowers crossing horizontally are a nice touch. The only nit I have is there is a relatively bright pole that sits very near the upper right rule of thirds location that keeps drawing my eye. You might want to either burn it a bit or remove it. The other poles don’t bother me.

Richard: Wonderful patterns and details. I would like to see this same scene in different seasons. Well seen, composed and captured. >=))>

The warm colors of the field are splendid. I love the trend of the many diagonal lines moving from one corner to the opposite giving a feeling of dynamism and the upward sense from the darker base to the lighter top. A strong image with character.

Excellent composition, color range and designs in this image. There are so many possible choices of composition here. Your choice works wonderfully.