Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
another invert style but i used the warming tool to change the tone after i inverted the photo …
Specific Feedback
This style of photography is very subjective. You see , Im trying to learn different techniques to have some creative control and have tools in my tool box when i hope to travel next year. I have not been very successful in landscape photography and other styles. The Network has helped me a lot and i’ve learned and met some great photographers…
Technical Details
ISO 200 Shutter 125 f 18 or so
Another very cool reverse silhouette, Gil. In this case, my engineer’s soul wants that pole straight and the wire loop completed, but that could just be me. I’d also be tempted to remove the partial birds where the wire exits the frame in this case, particularly the very tip of the one at the bottom. Very strong graphics in this and I particularly like the insulators and the curved arms supporting the wires.
Thanks. If i fixed the pole by straighting and cropping i may lose some of the image. So i left it alone and cropped off the left. The thing i was trying to learn was editing after I inverted the photo. adding some slight Tone to the pole for a different feel or vibe. But i’m always experimenting and looking for something different and hopefully creative. If you look at my portfolio , you will see some different ideas. For Fun. I do photography and original music for fun. Thanks for showing interest…