Birds of Darkness

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


For Fun Invert photography

Specific Feedback

Just a Fun Shot and play with Photoshop

Technical Details

ISO 1000 f18 shutter 160


This may just be playing, but you managed to frame a wonderful composition here, Gil, and I really like the reverse silhouette technique. You must have had a pretty bright sky in the original to get even the feet to show this way. I think conventional wisdom would say to get rid of those two partial birds in the lower left corner, but the wire is so dense with birds that I think it would look odd if they were gone. That lone bird flying out of the upper left corner really caps off this composition. It would look pretty good without it, but it really completes it.

Thanks. It felt good to go out and shoot today after an absence . I thought the inverted idea gave more contrast and freedom. Thanks again. Good to back on the Network !!!

Now that’s creative! Congratulations on the EP!

Thanks. :camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash:

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