Watch Out!

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


At first I only saw the feeding Indian Fritillary. Then I caught sight of the mantis (he didn’t). When another male Indian Fritillary came into the frame, he seemed to be warning his friend in desperation. Just as the mantis was moving in to strike its prey, he flew away to live another day.

Specific Feedback

With my manual focus Helios vintage lens, I was shooting wide open for nice backgrounds. So I was pleased when I saw key parts of the image in focus. Did I get lucky here?

Technical Details

D500 + Helios 44-2 58mm f2 lens 1/800 f2 ISO 200

Cropped in, selected flying bf and mantis body for minor enhancements. Toned down BG distractions.


Wow, Mike, three for the price of one! It does look like the BG was close and so I can see having the lens open to f2, but that was before you knew you were going to have 3 coming to the party. DOF was just to shallow at f2 to get all three in sharp focus, but, that said, the Mantis seems to be sharp in the eyes and face area. The eyes on both BF’s are soft. Still, you captured the story that that one flower was attracting both BF’s and Mantis.

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Who would have had time to tweak focus or aperture here? This is close enough to rate an Excellent!

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Really interesting behavior image Mike. Glad that the head of the mantis is sharp. Fine colors. Tells a great story.