Ed, this is a fine look along the glacial lake, with a good balance between the town lights and the rest of the scene. The only place that the high iso shows is in the details of the mountains and then you have to be looking at the largest view.
A very pleasant scene, and you caught it at the best (in my opinion) time of day.
When confronted with a scene like this, I like to expose for the highlights – the clouds and the sky, because underexposed digital images are easier to correct than overexposed ones.
That would also give you a lower ISO, and hence less noise.
To my eye, the sky seems oversaturated. Maybe that is a result of the denoise.
Thank you very much @Mark_Seaver, @Pieter_Opperman and @SandyR-B. I’ll go back to the original and see if I can rework it a bit. I thought the sky looked pretty good to what we’d seen, but there may be some effect from the denoise.