WC #863 - Signs of Fall

I’ll never think of autumn without envisioning the return Bosque del Apache’s sandhills against the golden fall fields. Truly a spectacular place.

2012:12:29 10:23:13
1/3200 sec, f/4.5
Mode: Av
Metering: Multi-segment
ISO: 800
White balance: Auto
Flash: Off

The colors and details stand out very well here, Sandy. Yesterday, I saw my second flock of nearly a hundred sandhill cranes heading south from the North side of Yellowstone.

You need to add the 863 tag, if you want this image to be searchable in the future.

Beautiful image of the crane. The warm and cool tones work rather well together, too.

Mark, I don’t know how to do that. When I posted it, I looked in the available tag options, and the correct one wasn’t there. I tried to type it in, but it said “no match.” so I put the 863 in the title

Nice capture Sandy. They have those amazing red eyes.

The correct tag number is there in the tags box, you have to click on the + sign and it may take a few seconds for the list to show up, but they do show up.

Got it, thanks -