West African Swamp Hen

They are more commonly known in South Florida as Egyptian Gallinules. There are several in the Green Cay Wildlife Preserve in south Florida that were evidently blown in from Africa in a huge storm, likely a hurricane several years back and stayed.

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D810, 22-500 @330mm, f/5.6, 1/1000, ISO 640

Hi Chris
Ok I get it, this your style, closely framed images with big color, detail and expression. Nice.

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It’s a bird eating a piece of swamp grass…why would you want more room to show??? For me, it’s about the bird, its colors, shape and what it is doing. It’s not about a ton of wasted space.

I love the action, the raised foot and the background story, Chris. A lower point of view might have created more impact, but that’s often impossible on wildlife refuges.

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A lower POV would have meant crawling off the boardwalk and into that same water where moments before, several in my group shot multiple exposures of two water moccasins copulating. Passing up that option seemed like the better part of valor. :crazy_face: