Purple Gallinule

Differentiated from a common gallinule by the blue topper right above the eyes. They are really quite colorful with a preponderance of blue-ish to purple-ish hue on the neck and chest feathers, while the wings take on more of a green and cyan tint of color. The feed on a swamp flower that is more like a grain than anything else.

Specific Feedback Requested

Should I knock down the green leaves even more?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
D810, 80-400 @ 320mm, f/5.6, 1/1000, ISO 1200 +1 EV

This was shot in a more shady than not area, in the early morning hours. The gallinules tend to stay close to areas where they can quickly hide because their coloration attracts birds of prey.

A lot of color in this bright image. I’ve only seen one purple Gallinule and that was in Costa Rica several years ago. It was a lot darker than this one but it was also in a much darker setting under the jungle canopy at a heavily shaded pond. I think you did a good job on the exposure and detail. The environmental setting is typical. I think it could use a little more room if you have it. Always nice to see these different species.

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No room and while I had a few other poses, none described the behavior as well as this shot did.

A colourful, behavioural image! Never having seen one I can’t really comment on the colour.

Excellent, Chris. I love the pose and the feeding action. The green leaves seem fine to me and I don’t find them distracting.

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