Hard to tell from this perspective since I was actually shooting slightly upward, but I was prone on the ground for this shot. The “perch” was about 8 inches off the ground with a bowl of mealworms in front of it. You can see a fairly recent post in Human and Fauna that explains what we’re doing with the feeding.
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7DII, sigma 150-600 C @ 451 mm, hand held prone on ground, f/8, 1/250, iso 3200, manual exposure. Cropped from a horizontal, full height. Processed in LR & PS CC. Taken on May 20th at 6:52 am.
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Lovely moment to have caught, Dennis. This works so well with that subtly graded background.
This is a great look at this Bluebird, Dennis. The details in the bird are great while the gentle green background really set’s the bird’s colors off well. My wife started putting out both dried and live mealworms this year in MT and the Bluebirds are going nuts grabbing them and flying directly to the nest box to feed the babies. The male like both versions but the female prefers the live ones.
Interesting, Mark. We haven’t had any luck with anything taking dried ones.
This is excellent. Great pose by the bird and the colors really pop. Great OOF BG also.