Possibly a Least Sandpiper but I’m not 100% sure; the black plumage on the chest/neck is throwing me off a bit. I like the foam in the water as it approaches the shore.
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Iso 800, 500 mm no extender, F6 .3, 3200th, D 500, handheld, 60% of full frame
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Nice pose and excellent detail and I like how the color of the water complements the bird’s color. I think this is the Western Sandpiper-rufous wings and head and black legs, somewhat droopy bill.
That is what I call tack sharp. Very nice work here, David. I might consider cloning out the brighter seaweed out of focus in the foreground just in front of the bird. This is very nicely done.
Don’t least sandpipers have yellow legs? I am leaning towards western sandpiper as well.