Western Scrub Jay

5D ISO1000 400mm 1/1000 f5.6
Common Jay. I tried a low angle to include the shapes from late afternoon light in a pine forest.
Happy safe 4th. All words welcome.


Beautiful bird. Great shot. I love the pose; it shows off the tuft on the lower chest. I wonder what is reflected in its eye. Could it be you with the 400mm? I would have thought you were too far away.

Your title got me going. It’s not what I call a Blue Jay. Being sort of ocd, I looked up Common Jay and that wasn’t in Sibley’s. So I’m thinking this is a Western Scrub Jay.

Anyway, nice work. Detail is beautiful.


Another excellent image. Looks like the overcast conditions really helped bring out the color and detail of the Scrub Jay. Background is wonderful as is point of view and depth of field. I’m not a real fan of square crops and would prefer to see this as a landscape crop. I believe many of the other photographers who post on the site are also not fans of square crops. Just FYI. Yes there are times when it works.

Very well composed, the low angle makes a huge difference with a bird on the ground like this, nicely done Steven!

Nice pose and a beautiful specimen, Steven. I like the low angle and the crop works nicely with this pose. Detail looks good in the plumage.