John Wayne, Nice catch. the bug looks crisp. the color and contrast look great. A little more depth would have gotten some of flowers in focus.
Wayne, this is a pretty nice look at this Assassin Bug. I agree with Ravi that a bit more DOF since your ISO was only at 200, you could afford to bump up the f-stop. The eye is sharp, and that is the main thing. Did you crop this image? If you have a bit more room to the right without adding anything that you might have cropped out because of distractions, it would be nice to give the fellow a bit of room to “move”. Still, it is a nice image as presented.
Thanks Shirley, My understanding of cropping my images may not be aligned with the main stream. Most of my images are shot with my Canon 5DS-r at lower Megapixels than the 50 Megapixels the camera can produce (large file). Recently, though, I’ve been using my 5DMark III. On the 5DSr and the 180 lens my shots are often 3 to 4 feet from the subject and in Post processing the photos are enlarged and cropped for various reasons. I would appreciate any comment you may offer on the aforementioned.
Wayne, the reason I asked about cropping was because the face of the bug was a bit closer to the right edge than I would prefer (I like to make it feel like they have room to move). I am not real sure what you are looking for in about cropping. You mentioned something about enlarging your image before cropping, which I am not familiar with, so I can’t advise there. I would think that using a 180 mm macro lens, as long as the subject lets you (some are skittish and won’t let you get too close), you should be able to get your frame fairly filled, depending on the size of the subject. I just started using a 31 mm extension tube on mine 180, and it lets me get in even closer on those little subjects. I hope that helps. I am just not real sure I understand what you are asking. I’m sorry.
Hi Shirley, thanks for your kind response and I appreciate your comments.
Hi Wayne, nice critical sharpness on the head - well done. I like how the bug contrasts with the flower and background. I agree about using a higher ISO to try for more depth of field. A fine image overall.
Thanks Allen, This bug always reminds me something roaming the countryside thousands of years age.