This is the last - from this location (I have a few other to share capture a little later.) Hope you’re not tired of the snow storm. Same meadow, just angled away from the Elm tree to isolate this scene. In fact all 3 images were captured within 5 min of each other. It’s like really? How hard is this? Like an arcade shooting gallery where everyone wins a prize…
What technical feedback would you like if any?
All feedback welcome. While technically color, it’s really b&w. But for the record, this is mostly a color image. I did however add a b&w layer in PS, only to drop the opacity down to 25%. I wanted to keep just a hint of dark green in the pair of saplings. Can you tell? does it matter?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Any and all. Curious if the boardwalk is a distraction or no biggie.
Lon, for me you saved the best for last. The other two were very nice but this is my favorite. I love the simplicity and just the right amount of detail of the large conifers is visible. IMO leaving the color for the saplings the handling the processing really makes this a winner! I have no suggestions for improvements.
This is great! The title really adds to it too. For my taste, the color definitely makes it better than B+W. Also just for my taste, I would probably clone out the boardwalk and some of the other texture at the bottom to make it closer to stark white, but I only say “for my taste” because this image stands up well just how it is.
Lon, an excellent composition as well as the post processing is really nice. At first I was thinking a slight contrast boost, but after really letting my eyes adjust it seems just right. The processing brings out the small tree perfectly. Which is obviously what the image is all about.
Although a ton of open space at the top I think it needs to remain with the hint of the towering trees in the BG. That cast of characters really aids the point of the small guy up front, again, what the image is all about…
All right, this is just not fair, Lon. It sounds as though getting these first three images was just way to easy.All kidding aside this is another wonderful winter wonderland. The processing is excellent and yes I can notice the green in the two evergreens; just right IMO. The boardwalk is not a big deal, but I think it would be even better without it. I am really enjoying these!
Fascinating image. The question is - how visible should the background trees be. I think this is just right. I also like the WB here. It’s just a tad on the warm side and that works out very well for you. This scene is well thought out and constructed.
I just love the mood that is presented here. A very beautiful image in my humble opinion. The taller trees in the background are barely visible and that is what makes this so special.
Great stuff Lon. Look like you have a very productive trip.
Another beauty Lon. What amazes me is how much impact the subtle colors actually have, it’s far more than I would have expected. I agree with @Igor_Doncov, regarding the visibility of the trees you achieved the Goldilocks level, just right. While I like this very much as presented, I wonder if a slight crop from the top would place even more emphasis on the lovely trees in the background.