White Fronted Bee Eater

This photo was taken last July in Zambia on the Zambezi River. One habit the bee eaters have is to return to the same perch. If you look closely at the bird’s feet, you can see where the bark has been worn smooth by landings and take offs. This particular perch offered what I felt to be a clean background. Cropped to about 80% of the original.

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any additional (more or less) processing you would do?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details: Nikon D500 and 80-400 lens at 1/1250, f/7.1 and ISO 800.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Never get tired of looking at Bee Eaters. Lovely composition. The background works well with the bird’s colors and there’s good detail in the bird.

The bird and the photograph are beautiful. The light and the nice background really makes this.

Wow, what a great shot.

A lovely image, Richard. Nothing I can think of to improve it. I like the shadow of the beak on the perch.