White Fronted Bee Eater

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Luck prevailed as this bird choose not to fly away before I could pick up the camera or fly directly away from me resulting in an extensive collection of bird butt photos. Processed and cropped in LR. One thorn that rose vertically and nearly touched the bird was cloned out in PS.

Technical Details

Canon R5 and 100-500 lens at 1/4000, f/9 and Auto ISO.


Whoa. What a great moment you managed to catch!

Gorgeous, Richard. You caught a wonderful wing position and that’s a perfect head turn. I’d be tempted to have just a trifle more canvas at the top, but that’s probably just me. Perfect processing on the colors.

Glad you finally solved the problem with selecting a the forum.

Great capture , Richard. The wing span looks amazing. The way the bird is looking adds to the photo.

Ronald, Dennis and Dean: many thanks for your comments which are appreciated. Dennis: I like your suggestion and have added a re-do. Richard

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Nice job on the re-do, Richard.

Hi Richard,
Wow! You stayed locked on right on the head. Great work. The head turn is wonderful too showing us the eye and head stripe. Nice repost. Well done.

Beautiful image. I like the repost even more, good suggestion from @Dennis_Plank . Wonderful.

This is simply spectacular, Richard. The wing position and head turn are soooo nice. The head sharpness is outstanding and the view of the top of the bird and the tail just makes this about as good as it gets. However, you took suggestion from @Dennis_Plank and made this incredible image even better. Congratulations on a terrific capture.

The head turn is wonderful and goes well with the arched wings. The repost is perfect in my opinion. Well done…Jim

Allen, Han, David and Jim: many thanks to all for having taken the time to comment. It is appreciated. Richard

Just now trying to catch up here and have to add my WOW!! What a wonderful image!! The EP is so well deserved – congratulations!

Hi Richard, it’s clear you have a keen eye for capturing the dynamism of nature, and this shot is a testament to that. The timing is impeccable, catching the bird in full flight with such clarity in its feathers and the expression in its eyes, which isn’t an easy feat. The spread of the wings creates a beautiful symmetry that guides the viewer’s eye right to the center of the action. Also, the contrast between the bird’s vivid colors and the muted background really makes the subject pop – it’s a joy to look at.