Great White Egret on the watch

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I finally made it to the local rookery yesterday. It rained almost every day during nest building season and I missed the prime action of bringing nesting branches, but there was still a little (with little snippets of twigs) yesterday. But I didn’t get anything that added much to the collection so I’ll have to try again. I did like this guy, who was perched in a Redwood apparently keeping an eye on one of the nests in the next tree.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome! The sun had come out by this time and I had lowered the exposure to try to hang onto the whites, which made the sky too dark.

Technical Details

Screen Shot 2023-05-09 at 11.34.18 AM

Tripod with gimbal head – by this time I had worn myself out hand-holding for flight and went to the gimbal with movements loose just for support. I should try the monopod next time out. Should be easy to pick it up to follow flight when the bird gets high. About 20% cropped off the raw file and processed with a linear profile to squeak a little more smooth detail from the whites. Sky lightened with the HSL panel. Into PS for NR (hardly needed) and a little burning and cloning for details in the tree.

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I like this photo. The eye is sharp and good feather detail. Despite the sun lighting the bird, you have handled the whites nicely. I have also found using linear profiles to be a nice trick to recover bright and dark areas. One tiny nit pick… There is a green area just below the Egret’s feet that is probably distant tree out of focus, that grabs my eye. I wonder if cloning some branches there would be a possibility

I like this, Diane. It’s a great pose, with excellent detail. You did a wonderful job on the whites. I do see the green blob under the bird-almost looks like a vertical feather, but I think it’s a processing artifact that somehow sneaked in.

A really wonderful image here, Diane. The crisp & clean white feathers are perfect on the Egret. The overall focus of the upper body, head, and eye is stunning as well. I really like the bit of framing with the distant tree in the BG and the branch the Egret is perched upon too… :sunglasses:

Hi Diane, nice sharp view of the egret with fine exposure. I also like the subject placement in the frame. I’m okay with the out of focus tree in background. A well done image.

Thanks, @Richard_Duckworth, @Dennis_Plank, @Paul_Breitkreuz and @Allen_Sparks! The area that caught some eyes is just an opening to a BG OOF tree. I darkened it but it’s apparently still obvious. I’ll have a crack at cloning it tomorrow. I agree it looks odd.

Very detailed in the whites and the sharpness is excellent. The blue sky and greenery provide additional color to the scene… The horizontal branch provides a strong basal element to the comp. Well done…Jim

Diane, it looks like he posed for you nicely. I love the fan of long feathers he has spread out (breeding plumage, I think). I think the oof tree helps frame him in nicely. Can’t think of anything to improve the shot. Well done.

Thanks, @Jim_Zablotny and @Shirley_Freeman! I love what I can do with whites these days! I need to do some repair work that area under the feet.