White-Brested Nuthatch

Pure Unadulterated luck.

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Canon 5ds-r, 1/500sec with iso 800 and 100x400x1.4

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Oh, yeah! What a catch. I have shot these guys a lot and have never come close to getting any in-flight shots. This is simply superb. I sure wouldn’t change a thing. Just WOW,

Thanks Dave, I’ve found when these guys fly in to land on my feeders, they sometimes back off in flight if another bird is feeding or they sometimes do a wing spread when another bird is feeding and there is a slight argument on who has the right-a-way.

wow - beautiful detail and what a pose! Thanks for sharing.

Love the concept, the wing position, and the fanned tail. The BG is nice. But the head isn’t quite in focus. It looks like critical focus is on the tail, and the head is either on a different plane or soft due to motion blur (likely the latter at 1/500). You probably would’ve nailed it at 1/5000!

Hi John
I am going with Dave. His comment said it perfectly. Nice shot.

I’ll accept this kind of luck any day, Wayne. It looks to me as if the soft head were a focus issue as I’d expect something else to be blurred if it were motion. You might try a little extra sharpening on just the head and see if it works.

You have a dandy here John. A very unique and hard to come by pose to say the least. A good suggestion by Dennis. You may be able to bring detail up a bit. Lovely bg and good for you to have some luck of any kind.

Thanks to all I really enjoy getting good bird action shots but the birds do all the work.

What a great avian image! Love the light, background and especially the pose! I can’t see anything I would change. Nicely done!

Hi Wayne, really great pose you captured! Love the spread tail. I see what others observe about sharpness on the head but this is still a terrific image.
This is a White-breasted Nuthatch btw.

Repost to sharpen head a bit.

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That looks like it worked very well, Wayne.