White-naped Cranes

There are only about 5000 remaining of the species Antigone vipio. Every winter a group of some 200 overwinter in the south-east of South Korea. Here a couple are descending to feed in the rice-fields after these have been harvested.

Specific Feedback Requested

The birds were selectively sharpened in PS, and some contrast was added to them. The background was very hazy so I added a greenish tint to it. Cropped to about 55% of the original. The birds were about 200 yards away. All comments welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
D7100 + 200-500mm @ 500, 1/2000, f7.1, ISO 800

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Sounds like these beauties are in the same boat as whooping cranes here in the Americas. Congratulations on being able to see them and bring back photos like this. The graphic quality of both the birds and the background makes for a very striking image. You caught the wings perfectly, too - they are almost synchronized. Overall it’s a little soft and they eyes look odd under a lot of magnification, but who cares, really. It’s such an uplifting shot even though they’re descending. Maybe this year when my photo blind arrives I’ll get down to a big refuge in the southern part of Wisconsin where the whoopers come back to breed. If I’m lucky I’ll come away with an image almost as pleasing.

I’m enjoying seeing birds from a different part of the world. I’d echo Kristen’s thoughts. It’s a neat photo with the wing position of the descending birds and the way the background slopes downward in concert with their descent.

Well done, Mike. While there’s not much feather detail, it would be a miracle if there were at that distance and what matters are the larger plumage patterns which are just fine. I like the poses and the way you have the frame divided along the diagonal.

Very interesting looking cranes. Nice descending poses and well done on the bg. I also like how you separated them from the bg. Nice.

Hi Mike
I want thank you for sending us a photograph of this two White-naped Cranes. It is a classic look, with some magic in the way their landing.

Georgeous! Wonderful to see these Cranes. The light on them is beautiful and such a lovely setting!

I’m glad you like them, Peter. Cranes have a magic all their own, haven’t they?

Enjoyed the shot very much, nice work and good timing.

Hi Mike, I really love the angle /perspective you shot this from. They are beautiful birds. I think I’ve seen them before in a documentary showing them in their huge flocks landing like this!