White Pelican Pair

Taken at a lake about 10 miles from home. The birds were some distance away. I was pleased to find them and even though the light was dull I took many photos.

Specific Feedback Requested

I had a problem getting the right exposure as the white pelicans were small in the frame and the back ground was dark. I could not shoot at a lower angle. Any comments on how to get a better exposure will be appreciated.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon R5, set at 1.6 crop
Canon RF 800mm F-11
1/800 @ F-11 ISO 1000
Hand held.

Hi John,

So this is a n f11 lens which takes out a lot of light from your exposure. For proper exposure, I would take some test images on some midtone areas in your scene and adjust the ISO until the image histogram gives you a reasonable curve with most of the data pushed right of center in the histogram (ETTR). I would also crank up the speed to 1/2000 or higher prior to ISO adjustment to freeze the motion better. At 1/800 sec, some crispness has been compromised so use faster shutter speeds which will make it easier on you for handheld shots like this one. The whites in this shot are quite good and the composition is fine as presented…Jim

Hi John
I like the framing and action. It looks like the lens graded focus on the wing of the second Pelican, making the heads and bill of both Pelican a little soft. I agree with Jim on the shutter speed and ISO.
I like the overall effect of this shot.
How do you like the RF- 800mm lens?

I like the 800mm, but finding it a bit difficult to find birds in flight with. I need more practice with it. Thanks for your comment.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions.

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Beautiful action and composition, John. My technique is slightly different than Jim’s. When I’m shooting white, I just look for something in the environment that’s white and set my exposure in manual so that the white is not quite blown out. I assume the R5 has something equivalent to the old blinkies to indicate overexposure. Since that’s of the jpeg preview, if you increase exposure until the blinkies just barely start you’ll have enough extra range in the RAW file to be in good shape.

Nice timing on the splash down. Having the heads pointed at each other, for me, increases the sense of motion. Probably a faster shutter speed would have made the heads a bit crisper, but nice as presented.