Pair of White Pelicans

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


At a local park there was quite a collection of these white Pelicans. I was able capture these two posing for me

Technical Details

f/6.3, 1/1000, iso 360 @600 mm

Nice to have these in a local park, Richard. We get some nesting in Eastern Washington but they tend to stay a long way from people. I like the composition a lot and the golden hour lighting is great. I could see pulling down the highlights a bit in the RAW file (or using the local adjustment brush to pull them down in those brighter areas on the lower neck).

Very nice light and the detail in the whites looks good. A nice composition of the pair.

Hi Richard,

A nice portrait with warm lighting. Dennis’s suggestion for pulling down the highlights in the white plumage should improve image quality. This image does need more DOF and I would have used smaller apertures to get both pelicans nice and sharp. Other than that, Well done…Jim

@Dennis_Plank @Jim_Zablotny @Allen_Brooks . Thanks for you comments and suggestions.

Hi Richard, nice capture of this duo. Great that the front bird is sharp. Agree with Jim that stopping down on the aperture should have helped with getting the bird in back sharper. Still this is a fine catch of the pair and love the mirrored poses. Well done.

Great portrait, Richard. It’s really hard to get both birds in focus. A smaller aperture would indeed help, but it’s still a keeper in my book.

@Allen_Sparks @David_Bostock @Dennis_Plank @Allen_Brooks @Jim_Zablotny Thank you all for comments and suggestions.