White Sands

To tell the truth, I don’t use a wallpaper. I use the slide show feature and just stick copies of most of the images that I like into a file for it to cycle through. However, my personal taste is for something fairly simple, so this one would probably suit me.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

I think this was pretty much full frame. Taken with a Canon 5DIII and 28-70 lens at 45 mm. F/22, 1/400, iso 800. Taken at 9:04 am on December 16, 2017.

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Dennis: Simple is good. Love the shadows and the tracks are a nice complement. Well seen and captured. >=))>

A very striking image, Dennis! I love the extreme contrast between the sharply defined lines of the plant and its shadows and the soft shapes and granular textures of the sand. The meandering tracks are a nice little bonus also! Very nicely composed also. I wouldn’t want to cover it with icons though!

Dennis, the stark contrast between the yucca and the sand as well as the details in the sand look great. The (looks like bird) tracks winding through add a fine bit of extra story telling.

@Gary_Minish I was thinking about that as I posted. I like to keep my icons in a couple of vertical columns on the far left and I use the smallest size available. Still, I’d probably flip this image or move the icons to the right.