The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
White Sands NP - crazy place to photograph. A bush, as seen in this image, is rare. Compositions everywhere. And even in the blazing hot sun the sand is cool, so going barefoot is part of the experience. Another part of the experience is the Park closes down at sunset, so it’s a MAD rush to get back to the car and out of the park in time! No lingering for blue hour, dang it! Although sunset does bring out the blues in the sandscapes anyway. Next time I’ll get a permit to back country camp…
Specific Feedback
Wondering if I should emphasize the pink in the background (barely seen) mountains. Or if there are better ideas for the color grading? I really didn’t do anything much with the color.
Technical Details
Sony A7RIII ISO 100 240mm f/22 1/4 sec on a tripod
Connie, this image goes on forever. I really like the subtle colors, shadows and textures, and layers of white sand ridges. I like the soft pink/lilac of the sky which is just enough to set it apart from the dunes, and the little bush gives it a nice finishing touch.
This is a really nice minimalistic image @Connie_McClaran ! I like the way you have avoided detail in the sand texture and the background. This helps highlight the lines at the top of the dunes and the shrub. I don’t have any suggestions. Well done!
(I have been there as well and I share your feelings about wanting to get the pass to camp overnight to get blue hour images. )
I love the layers and the play of light and shadow on the dunes. I feel ambivalent about the lilac colouring as the colour seems artificial in this setting. Perhaps it just needs more luminance.
Connie, this looks great as presented, where the darkest thing in the frame is the bush. The brighter/darker shadows in the dunes are nicely dynamic and subtle. I think the hint of magenta in the “sky” makes a fine contrast to the whiteness of the main dunes, I wouldn’t change that a bit.
I think this is great as it is. I was especially intrigued by the hints of texture in the foreground and the taller dune in the mid-ground. They aren’t something you see at first glance, so when I did, they kept my eyes roving around for even more textures. The shrub gives me something to rest on for a moment, and that barest pink background is just right – I would be completely distracted by it if it were any brighter. Marvelous!