White-throated Dipper

Our dipper has a distinct white throat, and depending on the region a black or red belly. Not knowing that the US Dipper lacks the white throat, I may have missed quite a few during my visit to Lassen Park, some years ago. Until I checked the field guide… Stupidity can happen :wink: … Anyway, this bird I found last Summer while visiting the alpine region of Austria. Mostly these birds are extremely shy, but this one I could approach after taking lots of time, during which the bird seemed to have learned that I proved no threat.
Thanks for any comments, Cheers, Hans

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Nikon D850 with 500mm f4 | 1/500s | f4 | ISO1000 | handheld while lying uncomfortably between the river rocks :wink:

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It’s interesting to see the European species similar to what we see in the US-your dipper is certainly more colorful than ours. Nice look at this one and well positioned in its environment.

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You paid the price for a very nice photo. I like that the dipper is partly hidden adding to the “shyness” of the bird. I wonder what a pano crop would be like removing the oof water at bottom of photo. Well done and nice to see this dipper.

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The more I look the more I like this… IQ on the bird is nice, it pops out in the scene…
I only wish we could see more of it.

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Nice peekaboo look at this dipper. It really needs to be seen large in order to see the effect of depth of field. Excellent shot in challenging environment.

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Hi Hans
Thanks for the Dipper. It is always nice to see bird from other parts of the world. The Dipper’s white throat snd sharp detail help the Dipper stand out from its hiding place in the rocks. Nice work.

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Thanks, I have also shots with the full bird, but personally this one appealed more to me, also for the reasons David Leroy mentions.