White Waves

This is a bit non-traditional in the realm of waves, but we were exploring White Sands and I saw these formations that looked very much like waves on the ocean or a large lake. I didn’t take the time I should have with this area though.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
ISO 100, 1/100s, f16, 75mm on Sony a7C. Processed in Capture One mainly to adjust levels and bring the highlights down a little. I also added a little clarity. I cropped this to 1x2 because I liked the look better and it also got rid of unnecessary top and bottom space while preserving the length of the image to include the waves. I tried to level the image, but I struggle with that when there’s not a straightforward horizon.

Waves of sand definitely fit, Karla. The sweeping wave bits and their shadows show well here. Your crop fits the scene.

@Mark_Seaver Thanks for your comments.