Widgeon in-flight

Midmorning sun from behind and above. Taken around 10:30 AM.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Iso-720, 500 mm, F8, 1600, handheld, 60% of full frame, D 500, Adobe camera raw, Topaz adjust, TK sharpening action at 5%

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Large version pretty dramatic, maybe too much going on in the BG?
I might tone it down a tad.
Detail on the bird is superb and just enough wing blur for me.
Wigeon also gave you just enough head turn and eye contact to work.

Very sharp and good wing position, David. So unusual to have harsh light this time of year, but you handled it nicely.

To be honest, I didnt think I was going to like this based on the thumbnail. But it is a really interesting image. IQ looks very good, and you can see just enough of the bird’s head and eye so that the shot is engaging. Wing position is nice. The light play on the duck is almost serendipitous. All the parts that needed to be lit are. I also thought the background was going to be more distracting than it is based on the thumbnail. The BG isn’t bad, but I do agree with Dan that I’d try and tone it down a bit and probably clone out some of the more in-focus parts.

Hi David,
I like the way the light hits the head and eye. Good detail in the shadows on the bird. I might take out the bright spot in front of the bird’s head in the background. A nice capture.

I like the wing position and wing detail and the eye is nicely sharp. Good job.