Wildcat Light and Falls

Another cascade from last week in Yosemite and the Merced river canyon. Actually, this is an actual named waterfall and not a roadside rain run-off. Yeah, of course waterfalls are run-off, but this one not as temporary as those that pop up alongside the road during wet winters. I also posted an image from here back in February. That was captured May '18 and the water level was no where near what it is now. What a difference less than a year makes! The little cascades in that image are below and to the right of the main cascade captured here.

Comments, critiques and suggestions always welcom.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Processing of course

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Kind of an oddly balanced comp. In most of the frames I capatured, the light was heavy on the left, dominant cascade and looked way off balance. I hope this works for you

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

Nikon D800E, 28-300mm @72mm, f/18 1/5s iso 50.
This is a 2-image blend for exposure. Actually more of a composite. the light was changing fast as the sun was dancing behind some tall cedars as it crested the valley wall. Two images were combined; one image for the water I liked, the other one of only 2 images that had sufficient light on the rock in the LL and UL

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Beautiful intimate scene with great lighting. Good choice of shutter speed, composition and skill in blending the two images. Nicely done.

Nicely done Lon!

I really like what we have going on here. The choice of shutter speed worked out great and all the little sun spots across the frame look really nice.

My only comment I’d make is at the top middle portion of the frame, I feel like the highlight might be a tad too bright and the left falls (although having some light) may be a little dark? Other then that, the photo is great.

Really enjoy your work!

This one has that celestial feeling that some waterfalls have. That may be due to the way the sunlight and shadows appear. I think the shutter speed is about as good as it could be for this subject.

On the negative side: 1) the composition gives the appearance that we’re not seeing everything. It’s as though we’re looking through a window where the frame is obscuring part of the view, 2) Unlike the previous waterfall this one doesn’t engage the imagination nearly as much.

I really don’t agree with A Noriega’s premise that you need a composition without context to engage your imagination. Any subject that suggests something other than what it is will do so. Your previous waterfall image was like that.

The other one was to busy for my eyes.This one shows wild water in nice calm colors and composition.I cannot give any remarks but again hope to learn from the comments of others.


Thank you for the comments!

@Martin_Gonzalez, funny you mention to water above the top rock. I shot many frames because that water was shooting over the top of that rock - much like a water show in Vegas or Disneyland… yet I couldn’t nail the shutter speed and exposure to get that spray. But you’re right, it’s a little hot there. Thanks for commenting.

Igor - keen observation, and I agree. Yes there is more to the falls of course, but I agree that this in fact does look like looking through the frame of a window or something is preventing the view of the rest of the scene. And actually it’s literally quite true. At this location a couple years ago there was a significant rock fall that deposit one giant boulder directly in front of the base of these falls - about the size of a couple of suv’s. Anyway, one must shoot over/around these to capture any water; plus some unsightly bare branches encroaching in the scene (of which a couple are cloned out.) Anyway the bottom and right are by default cut off.

Thanks for the honest comment @Ben_van_der_Sande

I’m outta here for a few days starting tomorrow and won’t be commenting. Back Tuesday!

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Lovely cascade Lon. My only comment is on the hot spot at the top of the cascade. If you could back off the highlights there a bit I would be happy with it.

Nice shot Lon, you nailed it with the shutter speed. I really like the cascades and the dappled light on the right half. I do find the hotspot on the top a little distracting, perhaps if you could recover some of the highlights it might help.

Lon, a truly outstanding cascade. I figured you might have done a blend or composite with the drastic dynamic range here. The end result from the excellent post processing has netted a very fine image…:+1:
No change at all for me…:sunglasses: