It was a cold morning with a dense fog settling over the area leaving everything covered in this rime ice/frost.
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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5DM4 Iso 200; 35 mm; f/8.0; 1/100sec
It was a cold morning with a dense fog settling over the area leaving everything covered in this rime ice/frost.
Is this a composite: No
Canon 5DM4 Iso 200; 35 mm; f/8.0; 1/100sec
What an interesting color palette - I love it. And the snow texture on the tree is beautiful. I could see cropping a bit off the bottom, for perhaps a better balance in the frame. This is lovely, though.
Hi John! I really like the colors and the snow too, but I especially love the trees going on in the background it creates a nice perspective and depth to the image. Beautiful!
This is a really fine image. I, too, really like the color palette here. But the composition is really well done here. My first impression was how much the fg snow with grass added to the image and the upper dead branches did not.But I soon reversed course and decided that this is about the main tree and the chorus of trees behind. And with that in mind, as much as I liked the fg snow it stood in the way of what this was about as I understood it. The following is what I had in mind as a composition and I raised the white point a bit as well. That’s just my opinion.
Interesting! I like to look/play with an image before reading the comments, and for this one I came up with the same thoughts that @Igor_Doncov did. I fully agree with @Vanessa_Hill the background trees add so much, and I just love that little guy up front. I went with a slightly different crop; I’ll post it here so you can compare.
Excellent, John. I like yours more. It makes the point even more concisely.
Actually, now I’m not sure.
In the end, nice to have an image with multiple options to choose from!!
John, I enjoy your image a lot, especially the delicate details of the structures and textures.
While I understand the reason for the diverse cropping suggestions, I think the foreground grasses in your original accentuate the verticals in the composition, making for an appealing interplay with the diagonals.
Beautiful image, John. Since everyone is talking about crops, I tend to favor Igor’s crop best. I like the warm browns and the frosty reds in the leaves. Your composition is strong, but I would love to have seen an option where you had moved to the left maybe one step so it wouldn’t be quite so centered but not enough to block the BG tree to the immediate right of the main tree. It looks like you had wonderful conditions for shooting!