I took this shot in 2016 as Winter Storm Stella was passing New Jersey. This was a storm that was supposed to dump lots of snow over the coast but moved slightly further out to sea and left us with just rain and large waves. For this shot I was armed with my 5d Mark III with a 50mm Lens in my Essex water housing. I was wearing a 5 millimeter wetsuit with two pairs of wetsuit socks, a pair of swim fins, and 5mm gloves . Settings were 1/1600 F / 6.3 ISO: 200 .
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David, I didn’t know NJ had banks along the shore that tall. I love how the bank looks like a breaking, wind blown wave. The stormy skies add well to the drama.
After reading your description looking at the image I also thought this was a big wave. Very interesting lines and effective stormy colors. I think your horizon might be a slight bit off but very difficult to tell. I like it
All that wetsuit gear let you get a great angle on the wave, David. An awesome composition.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Not sure if my description was too vague, this is a breaking wave probably between 6 to 8 feet on the face. @David_Schoen I think you might be right about the horizon, I thought I fixed it in post but it does seem slightly off.