The landscape was heavy with a fresh blanket of wet snow and I was waiting for a small herd of deer to move into the scene . However, they failed to cooperate.
James, the scene is very frosty. Your added glow adds a good artistic touch. It does feel somewhat like a Pointillist painting, with the foreground tree nicely separated from the forest behind.
A beautiful Winter scene you’ve captured James. I love the way a wet snow will cling to everything, granting prominence and outlining the smallest plants to the tallest trees. Your tree is nicely set off center a bit and the deer may have been a needless distraction anyway.
James, There are many really good images submitted in this weeks challenge, but, I was drawn to your image immediately. I second all of the previous comments! Deer, bear, streaks of lightly falling snow are not needed in this great shot. Love the framing of the tree, change in color tones from foreground to background, how the snow covered scene is presented. Great job. I do have a question about the softer bit of focus in the LUQ, not a criticism, but a curiosity. Really only noticed it when enlarged?